Throughout the summer, scores of people enjoy the thrill of riding roller coasters. But when life seems to be a roller coaster, it’s not so much fun. Twists, turns, tunnels, the ups and downs of everyday life…sometimes there seems to be no end to the stress and struggle. How are we to trust God through the difficulty and uncertainty? Does He know what we’re going through? If so, where is He, and does He care?
In his book, Trusting God, Jerry Bridges says that “if there is a single event in all of the universe that can occur outside of God’s sovereign control, then we cannot trust Him.” But we know according to His Word that we can completely trust God. Trust in God is not founded on our feelings but is a matter of our will. Bridges states that our will is based on belief, and that belief is based on God’s Word.
One of the Scripture passages most read during difficult times is Psalm 23, and that psalm gives a wonderful picture of our relationship with God. We can trust God because He is our Shepherd. God provides what we need when we need it. So why worry? He is the One Who is in control, even when we cannot see Him at work.
In his book, Trusting God, Jerry Bridges says that “if there is a single event in all of the universe that can occur outside of God’s sovereign control, then we cannot trust Him.” But we know according to His Word that we can completely trust God. Trust in God is not founded on our feelings but is a matter of our will. Bridges states that our will is based on belief, and that belief is based on God’s Word.
One of the Scripture passages most read during difficult times is Psalm 23, and that psalm gives a wonderful picture of our relationship with God. We can trust God because He is our Shepherd. God provides what we need when we need it. So why worry? He is the One Who is in control, even when we cannot see Him at work.